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🏢 What Are the Stages of a Construction Project?

As construction projects vary in size, scale, and complexity, each project is a unique undertaking. However, all building projects must go through seven stages. The ability to understand how the various parts of the process are aligned is extremely important and can lead to a significant financial benefit. A lack of coordination and communication among team members can lead to waste, overspending, and delays.

You can decide where to begin your project and who will hire you along the way by having a better understanding of construction project management and the stages of a construction project, thereby increasing your chances of success and giving you a sense of what you can expect from the entire endeavor. In order to meet deadlines under budget and maintain the integrity of the construction project, continuity throughout each phase of construction is critical.

How can Pathscape manage the construction project life cycle most efficiently and effectively? Let’s understand the seven critical stages or phases of the construction life cycle.

Step 1: Design 📐

During this phase, the client places a project for bidding. The client has a general idea of the project goals and timeline. Next, the client hires an independent contractor to create the required construction documents. The client then sends the documents out to prospective contractors and accepts the most suitable bid.

Step 2: Pre-Construction ✅

In the Design-Bid-Build model, we complete the following steps in the pre-construction phase:

  1. Get budget approval.

  2. Contact city officials, local representatives, and private sector personnel to notify them.

  3. Make any additional plans or adjustments to the construction site.

  4. Coordinate schedules with the surrounding community and private firms to minimize any disruption.

  5. Conduct an equipment inventory to assess any need.

At the end of this process, the client makes any final decisions and last-minute check steps. Once these steps are complete, the client releases a Notice-To-Proceed for contractors to start the next phase.

Step 3: Procurement 🗂️

In the Procurement phase, we coordinate with all contractors to create a baseline schedule to complete the project phases on time. Some contractors’ roles directly depend on other contractors, so we diligently plan the entire project scope and steps. We use this phase to delegate any team roles for the project, including managers, team leads, and more.

Also, in the Procurement phase, we note any materials with extensive lead times that could delay the project. For example, bridge beams, steel beams, and plumbing items can take longer to arrive, so we keep an eye out for these.

Step 4: Construction 🏗️

The construction process is when the design becomes a reality. Contractors and subcontractors work together to complete the design based on the specs in the construction documents.

To keep the project on track, we’ll schedule either weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly review meetings with project stakeholders from both organizations. In these meetings, we review the work completed thus far and look ahead at upcoming project goals.

Step 5: Commissioning 🖋️

After we finish construction, we enter the Commissioning phase, in which we educate anyone who will use the new site about the new features. For example, if we built a new building for an office, then we would hold a commissioning meeting for the people who worked at the office space and the office administration.

We conduct two types of commissioning: vertical and horizontal commissioning. Vertical commissioning includes the state legislature issuing a certificate of occupancy that lets the client operate the building. Horizontal commissioning includes any miscellaneous items that do not occur in vertical commissioning.

Step 6: Owner Occupancy 📆

During this phase, we shift all building management to the client to prepare them to move-in to the new building. We also take this time to answer any last-minute questions. Afterward, the project is complete!

Step 7: Project Closeout 💼

Our project closeout phase is a primarily internal review of our overall project efficiency. We host project meetings with our team leads, managers, and contractors to identify areas to improve. We also highlight project strengths that we plan to implement in the future.

Overall, construction projects can get complicated but having an automated and organized process to keep track of activities allows your team to keep their eyes on the ball!

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