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5 Task Management Tools to Help You Get More Done

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If you manage projects or teams, then you know how important it is to stay organized and on top of tasks. But with so many things to such a paper work and spreadsheets to keep track of, it can be difficult to know where to start. That's where task management tools come in. Task management tools help you prioritize, delegate, and track tasks so that nothing falls through the cracks.

There are a lot of different task management tools out there, but which one is right for you? Here are 5 of the best task management tools to help you get more done:

1. Pathscape

Pathscape is an amazing tool for managing tasks, teams, budgets, goals and so much more. There are multiple features to boost your productivity and manage projects seamlessly. Team can upload documents, chat, assign tasks, track progress, prioritize tasks, view reports, and so on.

Have multiple teams and projects? Yup, Pathscape can handle that too! Whether you're a business owner, CEO, COO, project manager, team member or even a freelancer, Pathscape is for everyone.

Here are a few cool features of this free tool:

a. Templates and Cloned Tasks

Why repeat a task when you can clone it from an existing task? You can include the existing task's cost items and double it by a scale of 2 or triple it by a scale of 3!

b. Views

Pathscape provides multiple view to plan out your project. You can switch between a calendar view, task list view or a kanban board view depending on your preference.

c. Rate cards and cost items

You can create rate cards or cost items within your organization and specify costs by a type (billable, material, etc), tags, unit of measurement, currency and price. Rate cards or cost items can be attached to a task or multiple tasks to calculate a projects budget!

These are just a few amazing features... Tap the button below to explore more features!

2. Asana

Asana is a great tool for managing team projects. With Asana, you can create project timelines, assign tasks to specific team members, set due dates, and track progress. Asana also allows you and your team to communicate directly within the app so that everyone is on the same page.

3. Trello

Trello is perfect for visual learners. This tool uses a Kanban system, which means that tasks are represented by cards that are moved from one column to another as they progress. This makes it easy to see what tasks are still pending and what needs to be done next. Trello also allows you to assign due dates, add comments and attachments, and create lists.

4. ClickUp

ClickUp is a great all-in-one solution for task management. With ClickUp, you can create projects, assign tasks, set due dates, and leave comments. ClickUp also offers features like goal setting so that you can measure your team's progress over time.

5. Basecamp

Basecamp is another great tool for managing team projects. With Basecamp, you can create to-do lists, set deadlines, leave comments, upload files, and track your team's progress.

If you're looking for a way to increase your productivity and get more done, then look no further than task management tools. These handy tools will help you prioritize tasks, delegate assignments, and keep track of deadlines so that nothing falls through the cracks . Not sure which task management tool is right for you? Try one (or all!) of the tools listed above and see which one works best for your needs!

Get started with Pathscape today here.

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