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Deliver your best work with Pathscape

40% of construction projects exceed timelines. Be the exception.

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A McKinsey report states that the construction industry does poorly completing projects on time, on budget, and to specifications. The research estimates that 98 percent of projects suffer cost overruns of more than 30 percent; 77 percent are at least 40 percent late. There are many reasons for this poor record. Start with productivity—or, rather, lack of it.

A variety of factors account for poor productivity and cost outcomes. These problems are serious, systemic, and all too common in across industries.

How Pathscape reduces delay risks

A variety of factors account for poor productivity and cost outcomes. These problems are serious, systemic, and all too common in across industries. Still, some companies do manage to succeed to increase productivity by using project management software such as Pathscape.

Pathscape boosts productivity by resolving the following problems in one single platform:

  • Poor organization.

  • Inadequate communication.

  • Flawed performance management.

  • Contractual misunderstandings.

  • Missed connections and dependencies.

  • Poor short-term planning.

  • Insufficient risk management.

  • Limited talent management.

There are many more features within Pathscape that we will explore, we look forward to sharing more in our next post!

Have a great week! Team Pathscape

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