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Deliver your best work with Pathscape

🎇 We're excited for 2023, and so should you!

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Better project management deserves a celebration - and you’ve got a lot to celebrate. Every click, comment and task tells the story of how your team worked better together to deliver projects with Pathscape.

It’s the end of the year, but just the start of your journey with Pathscape. This year, we welcomed our beta community to bring their teams closer together, while delivering projects on time and on budget - keeping calendars clear to focus on the work that counts. We’re glad we could be a part of that stellar work as we look forward to 2023!

Here are 10 features to look forward to in 2023 with Pathscape:

1. Templates and Cloned Tasks ♻️

Why repeat a task when you can clone it from an existing task? You can include the existing task's cost items and double it by a scale of 2 or triple it by a scale of 3!


Pathscape provides multiple view to plan out your project. You can switch between a calendar view, task list view or a kanban board view depending on your preference.

3. Rate cards and cost items

You can create rate cards or cost items within your organization and specify costs by a type (billable, material, etc), tags, unit of measurement, currency and price. Rate cards or cost items can be attached to a task or multiple tasks to calculate a projects budget!

These are just a few amazing features... Tap the button below to explore more features!

4. Kanban Boards 📌

The Kanban methodology is a visual strategy where a board consisting of columns and cards is used to break down a project into actionable pieces, making it easier to manage. It is favored by Agile product development teams.

5. Multi-currency projects 💵 👉 💷

When a project spans multiple currencies, it can be difficult to figure out the costs of each task. This is where multicurrency project costings comes in.

Multicurrency project costing is a way for businesses to simplify the process of calculating costs in different currencies and to make sure projects are always on budget ✅.

6. Roles and Permissions ✅

Each member on the team must have clearly defined roles to establish ownership and accountability. Within, invited team members are assigned roles and permissions to gain access to projects, for flexibility, or to restrict access to sensitive projects.

7. Project Page ⭐

One way Pathscape helps in the construction industry is by inviting architects, M&E consultants and contractors as project collaborators. This ensures that all your project requirements, drawings, files and images are in one place for all team members to review.

PMs can assign tasks to multiple collaborators so teams know who is responsible and who need to be followed up with to ensure projects runs smoothly!

8. Milestones 📆

Milestones are a great way to group and review a bunch of related tasks. Milestones can be termed as phases or control stations, as it allows a PM, team and stakeholders to ensure a project is moving in the right direction. Remove the bottleneck of reviewing each task before moving on to the next with's Milestone feature:

9. Approvals 🤝

Project approvals are an important step in a project. It allows the project sponsor, PM, team members and stakeholders finalize project requirements before starting a project.

Pathscape's project approvals allows a PM or Project Sponsor to review and approve an entire project, its tasks, budgets, and collaborators in minutes before a project kickoff.

10. Reports 📈's Reports feature provides an overview of team performance within a project or project portfolio, as seen below.

Get started with Pathscape today here.

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